Can AI Beat a Photographer in an Editing Challenge?

AI editing tools are one of the newest and most exciting features in post-processing. This fun video features a photographer challenging himself to a post-processing contest versus AI editing tools and retouchers from Fiverr.

How to Make Your Astrophotography Pop

Astrophotography takes a lot of technical savvy, patience, and careful post-processing, but the results can be absolutely stunning and well worth the time and effort. This excellent video tutorial will show you how to improve the colors in your deep sky images in Photoshop to make them really pop off the screen.

Comparison: Is the iPhone SE Camera More iPhone 8 or iPhone 11 Pro?

The new iPhone SE looks mighty tempting to photographers hanging on for dear life to their older generation iPhones. It brings the promise of combining the smarts of the A13 Bionic chip with a single camera unit in a body similar to the iPhone 8, but does that help it’s photography any? Not much, it seems.

Drone Disguised as Hummingbird Captures Incredible Footage of Monarch Butterfly Swarm

It's not very often that I watch a video online and react by literally gasping and audibly saying "wow." Watching Captain America stare down Thanos and his whole army, in an IMAX cinema, on a huge screen, was the last time I reacted in such a way. This time, even without the huge screen, resolution, and quality, this video is simply incredible.

Inspiration for Shooting Intimate Portraits at Home

Hopefully, you’re enjoying confinement with people that are close to you and if that’s the case, you might want to try a project that takes advantage of what’s immediately to hand: natural light and the human body. Check out this short video for some tips on how to get started.

How to Photograph Flying Food

In general, the images that I find the most engaging are ones that have motion in them. In some images, the motion can just be implied and that still adds a whole new dimension. Motion can also add an element of storytelling to the image which how engaging it can be. This is why I believe, food images with motion get so much attention.

Improve Your Environmental Portraits With These Helpful Tips

Environmental portraits are a fantastic chance to show off your creativity and to tell a compelling story about your subject. This fantastic video will give you lots of helpful tips to improve your environmental portraits.

How to Plan a Landscape Photography Shoot

Professional landscape photographers do a lot more than simply pack their bag and head out into the wilderness to find great shots. There is an impressive amount of careful planning that goes into most shoots that often leverages some very helpful modern tools. This excellent video will show you how to plan your own landscape shoot to give yourself the best chances of a successful outcome.

Learn How This Editorial Beauty Photo Was Shot and Edited

Beauty photography can be a great chance to balance careful, precise lighting and to work on really perfecting precise retouching. This fantastic video will show you the process behind lighting, shooting, and editing this fantastic editorial beauty photo.

How to Edit a Video From Start to Finish in Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere Pro is a tremendously complicated program with a wide range of features, effects, and capabilities, and it can be a bit overwhelming when you are new to it and learning how to edit video. If you are struggling a bit, this excellent video will show you an eight-step process for editing a video from start to finish in Premiere Pro.

How to Photograph and Composite Milk Splash Photos at Home

If you want a project at home that will improve your small studio photography as well as your Photoshop and compositing skills, look no further. This detailed tutorial takes you through the entire process of shooting Oreos falling into a glass of glue. I mean milk.

How to Choose a Name for Your Business?

Whether you are an owner of another company or someone with a nine-to-five job, you may want to start your own business offering photography or video services. This article will give you advice about how you should and should not name it.

What a Music Video Director Learned From Making His First Short Film

Filmmaking is a complicated thing, and it takes the confluence of a lot of factors to create a successful final product. If you are interested in filmmaking, this great video features a music video director discussing his experience in shooting his first short film.

A First Look at the New DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is here, and it brings with it a bevy of improvements and new features over its predecessor. This great video review takes a look at the new drone and what you can expect from it in practice.

How to Get Proper White Balance for Video

When you have control of all the lighting on a video shoot, dialing in your white balance is a relatively straightforward procedure. But when you do not have control of all the lighting or you are in a situation with mixed color temperatures, it can be difficult to get the right white balance. This excellent video will give you eight helpful tips to always dial in the proper white balance.

10 of the Most Uplifting Movies of All Time

Lots of us could use a smile right now. If you are looking for something to distract you or simply to pass the time, this great video details 10 uplifting movies that are worth a watch.

A Review of the Nikon Z 7

The Nikon Z 7 currently sits atop the company's mirrorless lineup, with some excellent capabilities that are sure to make it a preferred tool for lots of photographers. If you are thinking of adding the camera to your arsenal, this excellent video will show you what you can expect from it.

How to Remove Dark Circles Under a Person's Eyes Using Photoshop

A ton of people have dark circles under their eyes, and if you shoot pretty much any genre with humans, knowing how to reduce them during retouching is a crucial skill. This excellent video will show you an easy and quick method for reducing dark eye circles using Photoshop.

A Beginner's Guide to Lenses

Primes, zooms, telephoto, wide angle, zooms, macro, tilt-shift: the sheer variety of camera lenses is astounding, and when you are new to photography, it can be a bit difficult to know what you should be looking for for your own work. This excellent video will introduce you to the most common types of lenses, what they are useful for, and how you can take advantage of them in your own work.

Fantastic Tips to Stop Feeling Shy Taking Photographs in Public

Ok, so we can't take photographs in public at the moment. But after lockdown ends, the opportunity to go out and photograph will be overwhelmingly exciting! But what if you find yourself feeling shy taking photographs in public? Pierre T. Lambert has 5 great tips on how to overcome this fear — well worth a watch!

The Canon EOS R5: Thank You, but No Thank You

This is not a negative piece on Canon, nor am I complaining about what Canon is or isn't doing. Now that I have that out of the way, let's get realistic about Canon cameras for a moment.

Simple Lightroom Techniques for Compelling Landscape Images

There is a bit of trend toward heavy post-processing in landscape photography these days, with advanced techniques like luminosity masks and focus stacking prevailing in lots of images. And while there is certainly nothing inherently wrong with those techniques, sometimes, it is satisfying to use simple, straightforward techniques to finish a photo. This great video will show you a range of simple methods in Lightroom for creating compelling landscape images.

Some of the Most Important Moments to a Photographer's Growth

Photography can be a really slow pursuit that takes serious commitment to progress in, often occurring in disjointed steps rather than steady, continuous growth. This excellent video features a photographer discussing some of those pivotal moments in his own growth, and they make great lessons for lots of us.

Wide Angle, Wide Aperture: A Look at the Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G Lens

A wide angle, wide aperture prime lens is a versatile optic that can jump into a lot of situations competently, ranging from events work to astrophotography. This excellent video review takes a look at just such a lens, the Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G.

Save $430 on This Fantastic Sigma Lens Today Only

The moment I first shot with my Sigma 105mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art lens, it became my go-to portrait lens thanks to its fantastic image quality, great bokeh, and snappy performance. And while I paid full price for mine, today only, you can take $430 off your own copy.

Using Luminar 4 to Edit Landscape Photos

Luminar 4 brings with it lots of interesting capabilities, including some fantastic AI tools. This great video examines what you can accomplish with it when working on landscape images.

How to Remove Background Noise From Audio

You can have the best visuals in the world, but if your video has poor or distracting audio, it will be difficult for your viewers to enjoy it as you intended. If you notice your video has excess background noise, this helpful video will show you how to remove it.

A Guide to the Basics of Photography in 10 Minutes

When you are new to photography, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to learn all the technical parameters, their relationships, and their consequences on your photos. This excellent video will get you on your way to better understanding them and taking more control of your images.

Powerful Video Capabilities on a Budget: A Look at the Fujifilm X-T200

Though Fujifilm's most powerful cameras generally get the majority of the attention, the company has a vast array of more affordable bodies that still have a lot of the capabilities of their more expensive cousins. One such example is the X-T200, and this great video takes a look at what you can expect from it in video work.

A Look at the Nikon Z 7 for Landscape Photography

Landscape photographers often prize resolution and dynamic range in a camera above pretty much all other features and specs. This great video takes a look at one such camera, the Nikon Z 7, and how it holds up in practice for landscape photographers.