Recent Post Production Articles

How To Change Your Lighting Setup (After The Shoot)

When was the last time you looked back at an image and noticed something about the lighting that you wished you could tweak or alter slightly? I’m sure most of us have been in this position at one time or another. Up until now, it’s simply not been possible to even imagine being able to do this. Welcome to the strange new world of “computational lighting design”

Behind the Scenes: Creative National Ad Campaign with Michael Herb

A few months ago we featured one of commercial photographer Michael Herb's tutorials on masking and composting. Michael is back with an awesome behind the scenes video of a national ad campaign he shot for Textile Designer Patty Madden. Michael set out to create some creative photos to showcase the unique advertising that hasn't really been seen before in a nation ad campaign for furniture.

Preparing Yourself And Your Model For A Beauty Shoot

A few years ago when I was still new to the world of beauty photography and digital photo retouching, I prided myself on the ability to "fix it later in Photoshop." I would welcome retouching challenges as I was still learning, but things changed forever after I started working with professional teams and shooting for commercial clients.

There are a few unarguable reasons for getting it right in camera.

Tutorial on Creating a Realistic Underwater Scene from Stock Images

Based on what we've published in the past, I think it's safe to say you guys really appreciate detailed tutorials showing how to make impressive composite scenes. My buddy at TutsPlus just showed me this amazing composition and I just had to share it. The artist combined 23 stock images to make one fantastic underwater scene.

Fstoppers Reviews: Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers by: Martin Evening

Photoshop for any photographer can be a Goliath of a program to learn and especially to master, and now with the new Creative Cloud aspect to Adobe's line of programs it's only going to be more difficult to keep up with the innovations made. Martin Evening's new book Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers is a detailed guide for all of your editing and retouching needs in this new age of photography.

Rescue Highlights By Using a Luminance Mask

Many times when shooting objects in an uneven light (usually outside), we have to choose if we want to expose for the darker areas, or for the brighter areas. This means part of the image will be exposed 'correctly' while the other parts will be overexposed (or underexposed). There are few solutions that can help us avoid these issues like shooting HDR or adding artificial light. But these solutions are not always handy and not always something that can be done. This great tutorial shows you how to fix overexposed highlights in only few minutes.

Is A Graphic Tablet Really Necessary For A Photographer To Have For Retouching?

How important is it to have a graphic tablet and do I really need it? This is a question that I get asked quite often and wanted to elaborate on it. It may be that you've never tried one or perhaps you never got used to it and did not like the experience. Is that normal and how imperative is it that you get used to using one?

The Difference Between Curves and Levels

In this super useful video by the good folks over at Phlearn, we delve into what separates 'Curves' and 'Levels' adjustments in Photoshop and when to use one over the other. These reasons 'when to' and 'when not to' use aren't the end-all-be-all, but you will definitely walk away with a better grasp on these two types of adjustments after watching.

The Client Blog: A Look into the Mind of Clients

In the past week, here on Fstoppers, we've been talking a lot about blogs for your business. But recently Joey L sent us over one that caught our eye called The Client Blog. It has been started by Andy Baker, Group Creative Director for the National Geographic channels. Andy has been writing, editing, producing and Creative Directing promos and print ads for the last 19 years. Andy decided to start the blog as more of a personal creative project and it's starting to evolve into something much more.

5 Ways to Make Hours of Editing Endurable

Recently, fellow Fstoppers writer/astounding editor Pratik Naik posted a status on Facebook asking what people's editing routines were, you can read the discussion that followed here. With his permission I've decided to spin this off into a post, and offer some suggestions for our readers facing hours of repetitive retouching in their future. I'm writing from the perspective of a photographer, but I'm sure many if not all of these will carry over into the video world as well. Note that these aren't in any particular order.

To Shoot Better Video, Focus on Photography

We can often get swept up in the world of digital video. Topics like 'What it will mean for the future of photography when we can pull stills from video?' occupy a lot of time and thinking.

Discussion like this is relevant but I sometimes think we miss the most important element of all. The single biggest contributor towards great video is actually making sure we understand what it is that makes a great still image in the first place. To go faster, we should actually slow down. Maybe even stop.

A Great Demonstration Of The Difference Between Raw And H.264 Video

Dave Dugdale of just published this great demonstration of the differences between recording video in raw and H.264 formats using Canon DSLRs and free Magic Lantern firmware. The difference is pretty astounding to me, as someone who has only ever shot video in H.264.

Perfect Face Anatomy With Photoshop's Liquify Tool

There have been many books written on the subject of face anatomy and how it impacts not only our perception of someone but our reaction to them as well. There are features we deem as authoritative, feminine, funny, somber, and so on. With over 7 billion people in the world we've got quite a few unique faces out there, and yet, certain features and proportions are universally and subconsciously interpreted as "appealing".

Photoshoot Breakdown - Behind The Scenes Into Camaro Photoshoot

Yesterday, I showed you the process of pre-producing a successful photoshoot and used a recent session as an example on all the steps it takes to put together a successful session with a large team. Today, I put together a breakdown of the entire production and post production process on creating a successful portrait session and a behind the scenes look into what all goes into it.

Your Eyes are Fooling You - How To Maximize your Editing Productivity

Ever spend hours editing photos, only to review them later and wonder what you were thinking? The environment and mindset we're in will greatly effect the final results of our work, and can lead to countless hours of re-editing simple mistakes. Here are a few steps I've put together that help me ensure that my final product is always the best representation of what I'm capable of, simply by recognizing the conditions that my mind and eyes need to work properly, and incorporating it into my work strategy.

Working With A Creative Retoucher On A Concept From Start To Finish

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to work with a retoucher on a concept you've had in mind, this may be just what you're looking for. Photographer Justin Bettman wanted to create a concept but didn't have the ability to do so on his own, so he teamed up with creative retoucher and manipulator Krzysztof Rejek to bring his idea to life.

Using A Color Checker Chart

Color reproduction, loading color profiles and calibrating monitors & printers can become an endless tangled mess that leads to frustrating headaches.

Proper use of a color chart can get you a lot closer to actual colors and save you a lot of time dialing in your post production work by adding a simple step to your workflow.

A couple years back I pickup the X-Rite ColorChecker Card and by doing so I have saved a ton of post processing time.

Fstoppers Reviews Alien Skin Exposure 5 Plugin

About a year ago, Lee Morris stated that Alien Skin Exposure 4 was his favorite photo enhancement plugin for Photoshop. Claiming that all of its film presets makes it stand out above the rest, and the clear winner in the plugin world. Just a few weeks or so ago, Alien Skin released the latest installment, Exposure 5. But is it still the champion and must have plugin that Exposure 4 was?

Korean Photoshop Page Is...Odd...To Say The Least

A Facebook page out of Korea, We Do Photoshop is somewhat of a...well I don't how to describe this exactly. After looking at the page, words have become difficult to muster on how to properly explain in detail what's going on over there.

It seems that the Facebook page (with over 36,000 thumbs up) was put together around the end of June so that people can upload their photos and request free photo manipulations.

Behind The Scenes Look into World War Z’s Special Effects

The summer zombie blockbuster film ‘World War Z’ starring Brad Pitt was rolled out to theatres everywhere a couple weeks ago, and showed the world some of the most in-depth special effects used to date. Hordes of tens of thousands of zombies showed us, perhaps, a realistic view of what the surely impending zombie apocalypse would really look like. Now they want to show us how it was done.

Tutorial on How To Create Detailed Grungy Athlete Portraits In Post Production

I've written about Glyn Dewis before on Fstoppers. He's a fellow Photoshop World Instructor, UK-based photographer, and has an amazing blog and youtube channel filled with great image post-production tips. In this tutorial, Glyn teaches how to add nice detail and grit to your portraits, as he did with his boxer portrait series featured here. Click to see the entire post to watch another tutorial video on this shoot.

5 Resources to Help You With Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing takes time, quite often it takes a lot of time and many of the steps can be quite repetitive and boring. The best thing I've ever done for myself to speed up this process is memorizing keyboard shortcuts, so I've put together this list of five resources (in no particular order) that I've found to practice familiarity with these shortcuts and become more comfortable with the programs themselves. In order to cater to the largest audience I will be focusing on Adobe-tailored tools, however some may crossover into other programs.

Wedding Photos Stolen! Why Backup Systems Are Important

I was driving to my studio on a Monday morning after a long wedding weekend, ready to bust through some culling and rock the socks off my clients with how fast I would turn around their images from their wedding, then I got a phone call. “Matt, there’s been a break in at the building, are you on your way?” My heart sank, my brain went into turbo mode, and my mouth got all clammy... you know that feeling before you’re about to throw up? That's exactly how I felt.

How to Process Your RAW File for Maximum Tonal Range

It's easy to overlook just how powerful the RAW processing engine can be. It's also pretty easy just throw an image into Photoshop and deal with it there, but RAW is where all the information is - and a dynamic RAW file is the most important aspect of developing your image. You will never have more information to work with than what is in your RAW, so it is important to draw every bit of tone out of it that you can - especially when it comes to maximizing the tonal range in the shadows and the highlights.

New Mac Pro Design Gets The Photoshop Treatment

Apple Computers has become the staple for photographers, videographers, and graphic designers everywhere (Stay strong, PC friends). In their recent press conference, Apple unveiled the new Mac Pro, and the design was considered eccentric to say the least. It didn't take long before the Photoshop users of the world to get their hands on the images, which make for some pretty hilarious results.

Effective Tips on Using the Lightroom Adjustment Brush

Lightroom is a software full of useful tools, but more often than not I see photographers not taking full advantage of them and resorting to do simple edits in other programs such as Photoshop. I put together this short 7 minute video covering some useful tips on using one of my favorite tools to quickly enhance my photos in Lightroom - The Adjustment Brush. I have also included a list of keyboard shortcuts below for those who enjoy them as much as I do.

The Sound Behind: 'Man of Steel'

With filmmaking it's not just the camera operators, directors, actors or even the composers that bring a good well-rounded film together, you also have to have an amazing sound team. It seems to be such an insignificant thing when creating a film, but in reality sound mixing can create the mood of the film just as much as the acting or lighting. Follow the team behind Zach Snyder's 'Man of Steel' as they discuss how they created the mood for the 'super' blockbuster.

Detailed Tutorial On Shooting Day To Night Timelapses

Preston Kanak has released another highly informative video, this one on the subject of capturing successful day to night timelapses. In this long video, he covers different methods for achieving good results, such as bulb ramping, aperture priority, or blending it in post. Each of these methods is a bit different, and Preston shares many tips along way while showing plenty of examples.

Large Retail Store Bans Airbrushed Images

It is one of those controversial subjects that has been covered many times before. Creatives, marketing directors, and consumers all fighting over whether or not we should be airbrushing photos of models used in advertising and the effect it has on our youth growing up viewing images of flawless unrealistic body shapes. One large retailer is finally putting their foot down announcing publicly that they will ban all airbrushed images and are asking other retailers to follow.

Professional Retoucher Natalia Taffarel Shows Us Her Techniques And Workflow

You are probably familiar with Natalia Taffarel as we've featured her in the past. In case you aren't, you can check out her work here. What I love about Natalia is that not only is she a great retoucher but she's also very open and giving. Ever since I've known her when she started, she's always had a great attitude about sharing and helping others grow. This video really shows her character come through.

Sofles Infinite - Hyper Time Lapse Music Video Through Abandoned Buildings

With a brilliant display and talent and planning, street artist Sofles and Selina Miles from Unity Sound and Visual joined efforts to create an epic dubstep music video. While Sofles spray paints the walls of abandoned buildings, a hyper time lapse precedes him, wrapping around walls as he works through different areas. How did they do it?

Cavalli Press Release Shows Bizarre Unrealistically Skinny Photoshopped Image of Beyoncé

Designer Roberto Cavalli recently designed a gown for Beyoncé, exclusively for the Mrs. Carter Show World Tour. In an official press release that was sent out by the Italian fashion house on Tuesday, one very controversial photo of Beyoncé wearing that dress was attached. In what looks like a heavily Photoshopped image, the company behind this ad made her look very thin, unrealistically thinned and stretched her legs. As art it's interesting, but it wasn't received well by many viewers.

Adobe Debriefs on Lightroom 5 Beta, Final Release and Perpetual Software

Late last night Adobe announced Photoshop Lightroom 5 to much fanfare. Though some of course have complaints, the general consensus has been pretty positive. Following the release, we posed a few questions to Adobe, and they got back to us on what they learned from the Beta, new features and the differences between Creative Cloud and perpetual licenses.

Retouching - Is Credit Due?

In the world of digital photography, retouching often plays just as much of a role in the final image as taking the photo(s). There seems to be an even split of professional photographers who do it all themselves vs those who hire it out, and lately I've been noticing some discussion based around where credit is due when a photo's final appearance relies more on editing than setting up lights and pressing the shutter.

Obesity Ad Photoshops Girl to Make Her Look Overweight

First 5 is a government agency in California aimed at - among other things - curbing obesity in children. It's a great cause, no doubt. They are, however, getting a little bit of backlash over a campaign that is currently featured on posters around California. The ad features an overweight, little girl drinking from a bag of sugar with the caption, "Sugary drinks like juice, sports drinks and soda can cause obesity. Choose milk and water instead." But some people are a little upset over the fact that the girl in the image isn't actually overweight - she's been photoshopped.

#CreativeDay Retouches Bus Patrons in Real Time, On the Street

I love creative videos that are just plain fun to watch. In this video, one Photoshop "magician" uses hidden cameras and a specially rigged advertising board at a bus stop to entertain bus patrons with retouched images of themselves, done in real-time. I have to admit, if I was sitting at that bus stop and they did this to me, I would be pretty amused.

Create a Digital Masterpiece Composite from Every-Day Images

Sometimes those obligatory travel photos snapped on location are great on their own, but (at least for me) a lot of them aren't visually dazzling. Luckily, that can be rectified. Jonas De Ro recently published an absolutely breathtaking composite image psd.tutsplus that is jaw-droppingly amazing. Best part is, he shows you how to make it so all you Photoshop fans can try a similar project yourself. Turn ordinary into fantasy!

An In Depth Look Into The World Of Creative Retouching With Matt Schuenke

Although I am invested into the world of retouching, the world of creative retouching and composite work is another world. They create entirely new worlds seamlessly. We see them everyday in the form of advertisements from big companies for the most part. Check out a few videos of what goes into Matt's work along with an in depth interview about the industry.

Beloved iPhoneography VSCO App Getting an Update

VSCO teased the Instagram and mobile photography community this weekend with a promotional video for their upcoming new app called ‘VSCO Cam’. Promising huge improvements over its original program, VSCO aims to take the mobile editing community by storm with its latest update. Best part of all? It’s free.

Instagram 'Celebrity' Photoshops Himself with Actual Celebrities

Do you ever feel like you're not hanging around enough celebrities? Maybe you wish you were court-side at a Laker's game sharing an emotional moment with Kobe, or maybe you'd rather be wrapped around Kim Kardashian like couch upholstery? If any of these things are true, you might be Peeje T - a pretty creative guy with a pretty good sense of humor and a knack for photoshopping himself into pictures with the likes of Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Alisha Keys and Kobe Bryant, among others.

An Emerging Artist’s Approach To Fantasy, Steampunk, And Victorian Portraits (NSFW)

In this interview, I speak with Russ Turner, a photographer who is relatively new to shooting fantasy portraiture, but has already received awards and praise for the quality of his work. Russ talks about working with costumed models, how he incorporates Photoshop, and shares some of the places where an aspiring shooter can get started doing photography in this genre.

New Mextures iPhone App Quite Impressive

Merek Davis today announced the release of the image enhancing Mextures app for iPhone. Over the last year iPhone photographers have downloaded Mextures textures more than 200,000 times directly from Merek Davis’ store and tagged 140,000 images on Instagram; now they have an iPhone app to more easily create and share visually stunning images. I have got to say that after buying and playing with the app this morning, this is one that you don't want to miss out on.

Keyboard Shortcuts Worth Learning for the Crop Tool in Lightroom

I am a keyboard shortcut junkie. Anytime I can find a way to do something quicker using a keyboard shortcut I will force myself to use it for a few days till I have built it into my workflow. A few of my favorite keyboard shortcuts are found in the Lightroom Crop Tool. I love sharing these tips with other photographer friends and watching their eyes light up as they realize some of the great features built into the Lightroom Crop tool which help speed up their own workflow.

Fstoppers Interviews Retoucher & Photographer Ashlee Gray

Finding a great retoucher (if you use one) can be a pretty daunting task. Most photographers end up doing their own - picking up techniques and tricks along the way. Ashlee Gray is a beauty and fashion photographer and [primarily a] retoucher based in New York whose clients include Tresemme, Starbucks, Rebecca Minkoff and Gatorade. As a photographer, her images are beautiful, feminine and even delicate. It's that same underlying aesthetic that she applies to her retouching- yet still managing to retain the unique style of the individual photographers she works with.

Adobe Addresses Frequently Voiced Concerns Regarding the Creative Cloud

There have been fewer hotly debated topics in the past six months than Adobe's move to the cloud. Many creatives really like the new cloud, but others are steadfastly against it. I actually have seen some very harsh arguments that might even surpass the flame wars between Nikon and Canon enthusiasts. As hard as it might be to believe for some of you, Adobe does listen and is addressing some of your major concerns with the cloud-based software system.

Learn Compositing 101 With Aaron Nace

Beginning this Thursday May 30 - June 1, creativeLIVE will host photographer Aaron Nace as he teaches compositing 101. Aaron has taught photography and photo manipulation to millions of people for over five years. In this 3 day comprehensive workshop you'll wake away with a better understanding of how to conceptualize an idea, plan out your composite, photograph and light each piece of the puzzle, and artfully combine the many parts using Photoshop.

One Method to Style and Photograph a High-End Watch

Aaron Nace at PHLEARN teamed up with professional product photographer Rob Grimm to demonstrate how a super high-end watch shoot would be put together. Check out how Grimm takes numerous shots and combines them into one advertising-quality image.

Behind the Scenes of Canon's 'Rhythm of Life'

Canon has recently come out with their short film, "Rhythm of Life' showcasing their new line of cine lenses. Shot with the Canon C500 director, Dean Hargrove and cinematographer, Steven Poster ASC, explain how the different cine lenses affect the footage and change the color and feel of your shots. The BTS video was shot with the Canon C300.

Conjuring Inspiration: BTS of the 'Bringing Dreams to Life' Photoshoot

Benjamin Von Wong has finally wrapped up his long and productive European tour, Von Wong Does Europe. The very first shoot that he was able to do was also ironically the last to be published and for good reason. It will blow you away. Taking over 60 hours to retouch Ben collaborated with talented retouching guru, Chester van Bommel.

NY Times Photoshops Fashion Model - Says Readers Understand It's Fantasy

The New York Times is being forced to examine their policy in regards to retouching on their images. Of course, they stand by the fact that manipulation of their news images "strictly forbidden.” But recently, they received backlash when the cover of their [style] magazine T had what many readers felt was a fashion model that looked 'shockingly thin' and 'underage.'