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This was Difficult!

Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.97 - "Needs Work" 

On visiting a nearby neighbourhood where I had a dental appointment I noticed those logs. I made a mental note of them to maybe use in the future. On leaving my next appointment ( little later in the day to the previous app), I saw two men leading their cows. Presumably to have a meal themselves. At that moment I realised they were going to take the route of the logs and I visualised this photo. However I realised two things. This was very poor neighbourhood where crime abounds and therefore people are often suspicious of strangers or strange, unusual behaviour. There is also the security angle of being on the street with obvious camera gear. (In most other countries if I was going on a shoot I would take my backpack with all my gear. In this country I only carry the minimum gear required for what I have in mind, and that in a plastic shopping bag). The other thing I saw was that at this time of day (midday) I would probably have a very harsh sunlight as we are in mid summer. I was lucky on both things. I tracked the route of the cows and men to where they came from before reaching my chosen spot. This gave me the chance to speak to them a while before we reached the logs. I was nervous because at this point I was in a dark wooded narrow lane-a place I would not normally venture into, certainly not alone. However, hiding my nerves I approached with a smile and the air of an eccentric foreigner tourist-that was maybe risky because then the locals think you are worth robbing or at least asking for a big tip. I was met with friendliness and an instant positive reply. I then had to run to the logs-far enough to be well out of breath and worrying about camera shake. My luck still held out there because the weather had become overcast. I shot with Sony A7III with 70-200 at 250th at f8, rapid mode-about 6 shots taken. Processing with ON1 RAW. Selective de-focussing. A little cloning out of the inevitable rubbish always found on the streets. I tamed down the bright green grass and the bright yellow of the freshly cut tree trunks. Hope you like it.

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