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Your Most Complicated Photoshoot
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 01 Mar 25 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
3.13 - "Solid" 

This is a 20 sec hand-held photo (no tripod on the trip) after sunset at the Treasury in Petra as a sand storm blew in that made us rush into the canyon after a day exploring the site. Everyone had already cleared out by then. The storm picked up a lot of dust giving a bit of a murky quality. Taken on Nikon D750 with me pressed up against the other side of the wall with 20s exposure squeezing the camera against some outcrop and holding my breath. My wife was wearing a headlight which can be seen in the photo.

Cannot remember all of the processing done but some light streaks have been editted out on the ground from some nearby lights and the headlight light was a little bit pulled out in the edit to make it more apparent.

Great trip and a fond memory of Petra and Jordan some years ago.

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